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All Classes may be taken in-person (if space allows) or virtually


Classes are  designed to enhance gross and fine motor skill development,

collaborative creativity, self-awareness, rhythm, cognitive thinking and independent processing.

Classes are fun and supportive and allow our littlest learners to flourish! 


There are two tracks of study available at the Teen Level - Beginner/Intermediate and Intermediate/Advanced.  Students at this level engage with comprehensive curriculums designed to enhance their technical skill, historical context, performance execution, creative making and critical thought.  Our Level III classes are for students looking to engage with dance on a recreational level or for the newer dance student.  Level IV classes require multiple days and genres of training and assume an intermediate knowledge of classical and contemporary dance techniques.

Level III Dance Classes​ (Beginnner / Intermediate)

• Ballet III - age 11+     Tuesdays 6:10-7:10pm 

Classes include basic  and intermediate ballet vocabulary as well as barre work, center work, and progressions, which develop strength, coordination and flexibility. Students at this level will be introduced to classical variations and historical context.

• Contemporary Dance Styles III - age 11+     Tuesdays 7:15-8:15pm

Contemporary Styles explores the post modern genres of dance - Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Improvisation.  Students will deeply engage with creative making in addition to mastering technical accuracy.

• Tap  III - age 11+    Thursdays 7:15-8:15pm

Tap III will gain a strong foundation in basic  and intermediate technical steps, terminology, and historical background while enhancing rhythm, coordination, and creative making.  Attention, at this level, is paid to proper technical execution, clarity of sound, rhythm analysis, and musicality.

Level IV Dance Classes​ (Intermediate / Advanced)

• Ballet IV - age 11+     Mondays 5:00-6:00pm and  Thursdays 6:05-7:05pm

Ballet IV meets twice per week and assumes prior Ballet experience at the secondary level.  Students will enhance their basic technical foundation into a rich classical practice.  Students will experience intricate barre work, pre-pointe/pointe work, center practice, progressions, and classical variations.  Students will make the theoretical connections from training to performances and develop a strong balletic aesthetic and facility.

• Modern Dance IV - age 11+     Mondays 6:00-700pm (must be taken with Ballet IV)

Modern IV explores multiple methods of modern dance, such as, Graham, Horton, Limon, and Duncan.  Students gain an contextual and historical awareness in this genre of dance, develop a strong foundation of technical movement concepts, and build creative voice through improvisation and collaborative movement making activities. 

• Jazz Dance IV - age 11+     Wednesdays 5:05-6:05pm  (must be taken with Ballet IV and Contemporary IV)

Jazz Dance IV is an intensive study of Jazz Dance Techniques.  Students will expand their classical jazz vocabulary though a study of leading Jazz Dance styles including: Classic, Broadway, Commercial, Street, Latin, and Afro Jazz.  Students will engage with physical warm-up of the body, center floor technical skills, progressions and traveling phrases, choreography.

• Tap  IV - age 11+    Wednesdays 6:10-7:10pm

Students in Tap IV will gain a strong  intermediate/advanced technical steps, terminology, and historical background while enhancing rhythm, coordination, and creative making.  Attention, at this level, is paid to proper technical execution, clarity of sound, rhythm analysis, musicality, speed and syncopation.  Students will engage with improvisation and choreographic development to enhance their communication as a tap dancer.

• Contemporary Dance IV - age 11+    Thursdays 5:05-6:05pm  (must be taken with Ballet and Jazz IV)

Contemporary dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements.  Students will gain strong artistry and performance presence, as well as, enhance their physical strength in combination with fluidity of movement.

• Choreography - age 11+    Saturdays 11:10-12:10pm  (must be taken with Ballet, Modern, Contemporary IV)

Choreography is the art of making dance.  In this class students learn the methods and concepts of choreography.  Dancers develop their own unique approach to movement making and explore various choreographers.  The class will explore the elements of choreography, conceptual development, and critique through various mediums and approaches of making. 

• Dance Company - age 11+     (must take all above dance classes to become a member)

An innovative Dance Company for Social Change.  The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre’s  Dance Company is a place for creative exploration and growth.  Students develop their own work through a rich process of research, observation, consideration, ideation, and collaboration.  Students learn to advocate for their visions, ideas, and creations.  The Company produces full-length dance performances that speak to issues, injustices, and situations that are on the minds of our young people.  The Company brings their work to this and various communities to evoke social change.  Under the direction of Nichola Johnson, MFA 


Students at the Senior level engage with comprehensive curriculums designed to enhance advanced concepts of technical skill, historical context, performance execution, creative making and critical thought.  Level V classes require multiple days and genres of training and assume an intermediate/advanced knowledge of classical and contemporary dance techniques.  Senior dancers are preparing for the next chapter of their arts and academic training and professional life.  These students are engaged artists, leaders, and proficient in advanced dance concepts.

Level V Dance Classes​

• Ballet V - age 15+    Mondays 5:00-6:00pm and  Thursdays 5:05-6:05pm

Ballet V meets twice per week and assumes prior Ballet experience at the secondary level.  Students will enhance their basic technical foundation into a rich classical practice.  Students will experience intricate barre work, pre-pointe/pointe work, center practice, progressions, and classical variations.  Students will make the theoretical connections from training to performances and develop a strong balletic aesthetic and facility.

• Modern Dance V - age 15+     Mondays 6:00-700pm  (must be taken with Ballet IV)

Modern V explores multiple methods of modern dance, such as, Graham, Horton, Limon, and Duncan.  Students are versed in contextual and historical awareness of modern dance, exemplify a strong foundation of technical movement concepts, and richly build/refine creative voice through improvisation and collaborative movement making activities. 

• Jazz Dance V - age 15+     Wednesdays 5:05-6:05pm  (must be taken with Ballet IV and Contemporary IV)

Jazz Dance V is an intensive study of Jazz Dance Techniques.  Students will expand their classical jazz vocabulary though an advanced study of leading Jazz Dance styles including: Classic, Broadway, Commercial, Street, Latin, and Afro Jazz.  Students will engage with physical warm-up of the body, advanced center floor technical skills, complex progressions and traveling phrases, challenging and rigorous choreography.

• Tap V - age 15+    Wednesdays 6:10-7:10pm

Students in Tap V will possess a strong  knowledge of intermediate/advanced technical steps, terminology, and historical background while enhancing rhythm, coordination, and creative making.  Attention, at this level, is paid to proper technical execution, clarity of sound, rhythm analysis, musicality, speed and syncopation.  Students will engage with improvisation and choreographic development to enhance their communication as a tap dancer.

• Contemporary Dance V - age 15+    Thursdays 5:05-6:05pm  (must be taken with Ballet and Jazz IV)

Contemporary dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements.  Students will refine their artistry and performance presence, as well as, enhance their physical strength in combination with fluidity of movement.

• Choreography - age 15+    Saturdays 11:10-12:10pm  (must be taken with Ballet, Modern, Contemporary IV)

Choreography is the art of making dance.  In this class students learn the methods and concepts of choreography.  Dancers develop their own unique approach to movement making and explore various choreographers.  The class will explore the elements of choreography, conceptual development, and critique through various mediums and approaches of making. 

• Dance Company - age 15+     (must take all above dance classes to become a member)

An innovative Dance Company for Social Change.  The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre’s  Dance Company is a place for creative exploration and growth.  Students develop their own work through a rich process of research, observation, consideration, ideation, and collaboration.  Students learn to advocate for their visions, ideas, and creations.  The Company produces full-length dance performances that speak to issues, injustices, and situations that are on the minds of our young people.  The Company brings their work to this and various communities to evoke social change.  Under the direction of Nichola Johnson, MFA 

Moovin' and Groovin' - age 1.5-3     Saturdays 10:30am-11:15am


Your child's senses will ignite in this music and movement based class for children and caretakers!  

•Creative Movement  - age 3-4     Mondays 4pm - 4:45pm or Saturdays 9:15-10:00am


Children are exposed to beginning dance concepts in a fun, recreational and supportive way.  Children will explore the use of the body though storytelling and music.  Creative Movement class aids in the physical development of the body and exercises the imagination!

•Introduction to Dance / Pre-Ballet - age 4-5      Saturdays 10:15-11:15am


Rising Stars classes aid in the development of gross motor skills, movement creativity, fitness, and body awareness. Our Rising Stars Classes blend educational concepts in a developmentally designed curriculum that places special emphasis on building self-confidence and self-esteem. Students will gain foundational awareness of Ballet Technique and Modern Concepts of Movement. 

•Pre-Ballet / Ballet I - age 5-6     Wednesdays 4-4:45pm


The fundamentals of ballet are encouraged to develop through barre and floor exercises, French terminology, and other basic ballet concepts. Students gain strong physical awareness while developing self-confidence and work ethic.


Comprehensive curriculum designed to ensure the proper development of young bodies. Under our professional faculty, students will enhance coordination, creativity, teamwork, task-mastering, confidence, and learning skills. Explore Rhythms, Movement Concepts and Elementary Technical Concepts. 

We honor dance as an art form and not as a competitive sport or pageantry.

Students may take one or multiple classes in all genres/disciplines (dance, theatre, art, music) offered.

•Pre-Ballet / Ballet I - age 6-7     Wednesdays 4-4:45pm


The fundamentals of ballet are encouraged to develop through barre and floor exercises, French terminology, and other basic ballet concepts. Students gain strong physical awareness while developing self-confidence and work ethic.

• Ballet I - age 6-9      Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm 

Ballet I students are introduced to the beginnings of proper technique for ballet in a positive, inspiring, and creative environment. Classes focus on developing strength, flexibility, musicality, self-confidence and awareness, and love for dance. 

• Contemporary Dance Styles I - age 6-9      Tuesdays 5:05-6:05pm

Contemporary Styles explores the post modern genres of dance - Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Improvisation.  It is strongly suggested to take this class with Ballet I

• Contemporary Dance Styles I / II - age 6-9     Mondays 3:45 - 4:45pm 

Contemporary Styles explores the post modern genres of dance - Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Improvisation.  This class assumes a beginner level, but is open to students with prior experience.

• Tap I - age 6-9     Thursdays 4:00-5:00pm

Tap I introduces students to the percussive form of dance.  Children will gain a foundation in basic technical steps, terminology, and historical background while enhancing rhythm, coordination, and creative making.


Careful attention is paid to young, developing bodies at this level.  Authentic movement techniques are richly explored allowing students the space to build mastery of technique.  Dancers will be exposed to a comprehensive curriculum that affords them the most beneficial tools for advancement.  Classes will also focus on movement development, performance skills, coordination, and choreography.

• Ballet II - age 9-12     Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm 

Ballet II students work to master proper technique for ballet in a positive, inspiring, and creative environment. Each week students perform a classical barre, expand knowledge of technical exercises and concepts, practice petite allegro, center work, progressions and grandeClasses focus on developing strength, flexibility, musicality, self-confidence and awareness, and love for dance. 

• Contemporary Dance Styles II - age 9-12     Tuesdays 5:05-6:05pm

Contemporary Styles explores the post modern genres of dance - Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Improvisation.  Students develop a strong sense of musicality, coordination, and personal style.  It is strongly suggested to take this class with Ballet II

• Contemporary Dance Styles I / II - age 6-9      Mondays 3:45 - 4:45pm 

Contemporary Styles explores the post modern genres of dance - Jazz, Modern, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Improvisation.  This class assumes a beginner level, but is open to students with prior experience.

• Tap II - age 9-12    Thursdays 4:00-5:00pm

Tap II focuses on musicality, clarity of sound, ensemble precision, and historical context.  Children will deepen their foundation of basic technical steps, terminology, and historical background while enhancing rhythm, coordination, and creative making.


September 2020 - June 2021

Enrollment Continues until Full


Students enroll for the full season (prorated if beginning late) unless class is otherwise noted.


Tuition is for all genres of Art.  Students may enroll in multiple genres for the tuition price listed.


45 Minute Class - $60 per month

1 Hour Class - $65 per month

2 Hours per week - $98 per month

3 Hours per week - $150 per month

4 Hours per week - $200 per month

4+ Hours per week - $220 per month


Various adult classes are offered throughout the year. 

Our adult program boasts a supportive community of teachers and learners with a wide range of experience levels.  Students develop strong physical connections, creative voice, technical advancement, and a high awareness and regard of self.

Adult Ballet

"Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time." -Dame Margot Fonteyn-


Studying Ballet is a mental cleanse, full-body workout, and stress release all rolled into one!



• Develop Strong Core Muscles

• Improve Posture and Strength

• Refine Coordination

• Get Comfortable in your Body

• De-Stress

• Focus the Mind

• Un-Wind and Re-Boot!


Professional space and faculty will get to know you and your unique learning style, which will allow you to find the most success!

Beginner / Intermediate Level Class

with Shannon Jutras

Wednesdays 7:15-8:15pm  •  March 10-April 14 •  $100

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Intermediate / Open Level Class

with Nichola Johnson, MFA

Fridays 7:00-8:100am  •  March 12-April 16 •  $100

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(860) 963-7170

135 Main Street Putnam CT 06260



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 The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre

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