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Northeastern CT Ballet Company
Ages 9 - 19
Under the Direction of Michael Bolger, MFA
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NECT Ballet Company was established in 2011 and is a revered program for children and teens deeply passionate about ballet. Under the direction of Michael Bolger, our company serves as a platform for dedicated young dancers to immerse themselves in both classical and original repertoire, honing their craft to the highest standards.

Through weekly technique classes, company classes, and rehearsals, dancers delve into the intricacies of technique, expression, and artistic interpretation under the expert guidance of Complex Ballet Faculty. This commitment to refinement not only cultivates exceptional dancers but also fosters a profound appreciation for the depth and beauty of ballet as an art form.
Company class/rehearsal meets on Mondays from 6:30 - 8:00 from
October 2024 to June 2025.
Company fee is $35 per month and includes NECT Company Jacket.
Members must be enrolled in, at least,
one ballet class to join the Ballet Company.

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